Introduction To R

I am uploading the code for lab here, so that I/we can edit it, add notes, etc., as necessary. Feel free to login and add clarifications etc.!

— Nick

I just uploaded the code, with a few bug fixes, and with answers — Nick, 2/8/11.

# =============================================
# R and phylogenetics, starting from scratch
# =============================================
# by Nick Matzke (and whoever else adds to this PhyloWiki page)
# Copyright 2011-infinity
# January 2011
# Please link/cite if you use this, email me if you have 
#   thoughts/improvements/corrections.
# Free to use/redistribute under:
# Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the above license, linked here:
# Summary:
# You are free:
#   * to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
#   * to Remix — to adapt the work
# Under the following conditions:
#   * Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner 
#     specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that 
#     suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
#   * Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. 
#   * Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
#     you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or
#     similar license to this one. 
# Assignment for Thursday, Feb. 3
# 1. Install R on your own computer
# 2. Take this test file and copy/paste in each of the commands
#    and see what they do.  In my experience, these commands 
#    cover about 80% of the commands you actually need do
#    use R.
# 3. Each time you see "#desc:", type YOUR quick description of 
#    what the function is doing (and what options are being used in the
#    command, if needed).  Hints:
#    * "?functionname" brings up the help page for the command
#    * in the R GUI, "functionname(" brings up the proper syntax at 
#      the bottom of the R GUI window
# 4. Turn in by PASTING your text file into email to me.
#    * Pretty please: start the SUBJECT of the email with: "IB200b_Lab3_Your_Name"
#    # Due next lab.
# Purpose: This may seem a little tedious, but the idea is that
#  (a) you will remember the basic commands better if you've been
#      forced to write them down
#  (b) to get you in the habit of saving ALL your working R commands
#      in a text file/script for future reference and future use
#  (c) producing well-commented code, so you can figure out what you
#      did when you return to a project six months later

# Stuff that is handy at the beginning of a script
# R, close all devices/windows/ quartz windows

# Turn off all BS stringsAsFactors silliness
# R tends to read 
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Working directories:
# One of the first things you want to do, usually, is 
# decide on your working directory

# On my Mac, this is the directory
wd = "/Users/nick/Desktop/_ib200a/ib200b_sp2011/lab03"

# On a PC, you might have to specify paths like this:
#wd = "c:\\Users\\nick\\Desktop\\_ib200a\\ib200b_sp2011\\lab03"

#desc: set working directory

#desc: get working directory

#desc: list the files in the directory

# Sourcing scripts
# Local sourcing:
# source a script (windows machines require \\ instead of /)
# sourcedir = '/_njm/'
#source3 = '_genericR_v1.R'
#source(paste(sourcedir, source3, sep=""))

# You need the APE package to source genericR_v1.R scripts

# Remote sourcing:

#desc: concatentate to a list with c()
student_names = c("Nick", "Tom", "Bob")

# describe what the function "c" does:
grade1 = c(37, 100, 60)
grade2 = c(43, 80, 70)
grade3 = c(100, 90, 100)

#desc: column bind (cbind)
temp_table = cbind(student_names, grade1, grade2, grade3)

#desc: convert to data frame
grade_data =

# Try the same command this way.  What happens differently?
#desc: convert to data frame, print to screen
(grade_data =

col_headers = c("names", "test1", "test2", "test3")

#desc: add column heading
names(grade_data) = col_headers

# change the column names back
old_names = c("student_names", "grade1", "grade2", "grade3")
names(grade_data) = old_names

# R can be very annoying in certain situations, e.g. treating numbers as character data
# What does as.numeric do?
grade_data$grade1 = as.numeric(grade_data$grade1)
grade_data$grade2 = as.numeric(grade_data$grade2)
grade_data$grade3 = as.numeric(grade_data$grade3)

# If you close R, reopen it, and re-run all of the commands above,
# except leave out "options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)",
# you will see the bad thing which results.

# I got so annoyed at R's tendency to convert data intended as 
# numeric (numbers) or text (character) into factors (categorical)
# that I wrote a function specificially to check the "class" 
# of each column:

# summary of an object's class, attributes, dimensions, length, 
# and class of each column, if it has columns

# Print just the classes of the columns in a data frame

# I also wrote functions to convert all columns classed as factors
# into numbers or characters:

# calculate means, etc.

#desc: mean of one column

#desc: apply the mean function over the rows, for just the numbers columns (2, 3, and 4)
apply(grade_data[ , 2:4], 1, mean)

# Other summary statistics

# What caused the warning message in mean(grade_data)?

#desc: standard deviation
apply(grade_data[ , 2:4], 1, sd)

# store st. dev and multiply by 2
mean_values = apply(grade_data[ , 2:4], 1, mean)
sd_values = apply(grade_data[ , 2:4], 1, sd)
2 * sd_values

# print to screen even within a function:

#desc: row bind (rbind)
grade_data2 = rbind(grade_data, c("means", mean_values), c("stds", sd_values))

# install a package (only have to do once)
# Type this:

# What happened?

# Now do this:
# gtools contains functions for odd/even (and many other things)

# after a package is installed, you have to library() it to use its
# functions during an R session

# Now type this:

# For loops
# Here, we are using for loops, if statements, and the gtools function "odd"
# What does the code in this for loop do?
for (i in 1:10)
    if (odd(i) == TRUE)
        print(paste(i, "is odd!", sep=" "))

paste("This", "is", "fun", sep=" ")

# print can be annoying, use cat
for (i in 1:10)
    if (odd(i) == TRUE)
        cat(paste(i, "is odd!", "\n",  sep=" "))
        cat("Blah!\n" )

# How to make your own function
# (These can be sources from a source script, which is
#  a .R file either on your computer
get_square <- function(x)
    output = x^2

x = 4

(newval = get_square(x))

#desc: Write to tab-delimited text file
fn = "grade_data.txt"
write.table(grade_data, file=fn, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)

# read it back in
new_data = read.table(fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, fill=TRUE)

# plots and stats

plot(new_data$grade1, new_data$grade2)

title("Hi Tom!")

plot(new_data$grade1, new_data$grade2, xlab="scores for grade #1", ylab="scores for grade #2")

lines(new_data$grade1, new_data$grade2)

pairs(new_data[, 2:4])

cor(new_data[, 2:4])

# A function I stole from somewhere and put in genericR_v1:
pairs_with_hist(new_data[, 2:4])

# CTRL-left or right to arrow through plots

# help on any function

# once you are looking at the help page, go to the bottom & click index to see all the options for the package
# or just e.g. 

# search for text in help
# (marginally useful)

# I like to google: ' "r-help" something something '
# ...since someone has always asked my question on the r-help listserv

# Basic crash course in APE 
# The R Package APE: Analysis of Phylogenetics
#   and Evolution
# Paradis's book on APE is linked from the 
# course website:
# (for Feb. 3)
# Install APE
# (This should install some other needed packages also)


# This is what a Newick string looks like:
newick_str = "(((Humans, Chimps), Gorillas), Orangs);"
tr = read.tree(text=newick_str)

# What is the data class of "tr"?

# Is there any difference in the graphic produced by these two commands?

# What is the difference in the result of these two help commands?

# What are we adding to the tree and the plot of the tree, this time?
newick_str = "(((Humans:6.0, Chimps:6.0):1.0, Gorillas:7.0):1.0, Orangs:8.0):1.0;"
tr = read.tree(text=newick_str)

# What are we adding to the tree and the plot of the tree, this time?
newick_str = "(((Humans:6.0, Chimps:6.0)LCA_humans_chimps:1.0, Gorillas:7.0)LCA_w_gorillas:1.0, Orangs:8.0)LCA_w_orangs:1.0;"
tr = read.tree(text=newick_str)
plot(tr, show.node.label=TRUE)

# More on Newick format, which, annoyingly, is sometimes inconsistent:

# Have a look at how the tree is stored in R





# If you forget how to find these, you can use the "attributes" function

# Or my "summ" function

# However, I got really tired of typing all that stuff, and
# trying to remember which branch points to what node (and the nodes
# are only implicitly encoded in R anyway, not explicitly!), so I wrote
# the function "prt" to print the tree structure to screen all at once:

# Local sourcing:
#sourcedir = '/_njm/'
#source3 = '_R_tree_functions_v1.R'
#source(paste(sourcedir, source3, sep=""))

# Remote sourcing:


# What information is given in each column of the output from "prt"?

# Now plot the tree in different ways:
# (CTRL-right or CTRL-left to flip between the trees in the graphics window)
plot(tr, type="phylogram")

plot(tr, type="phylogram", direction="rightwards")
plot(tr, type="phylogram", direction="leftwards")
plot(tr, type="phylogram", direction="upwards")
plot(tr, type="phylogram", direction="downwards")

plot(tr, type="cladogram")
plot(tr, type="fan")
plot(tr, type="unrooted")
plot(tr, type="radial")

plot(tr, type="unrooted", edge.width=5)
plot(tr, type="unrooted", edge.width=5, edge.color="blue")
plot(tr, type="unrooted", edge.width=5, edge.color="blue", lab4ut="horizontal")
plot(tr, type="unrooted", edge.width=5, edge.color="blue", lab4ut="axial")

# In R GUI, you can save any displayed tree to PDF, or do a screen capture etc.
# you can also save a tree to PDF as follows:
pdffn = "homstree.pdf"
plot(tr, type="unrooted", edge.width=5, edge.color="blue", lab4ut="axial")

# In Macs (and maybe PCs), this will open the PDF from R:
cmdstr = paste("open ", pdffn, sep="")

# How to save the tree as text files
newick_fn = "homstree.newick"
write.tree(tr, file=newick_fn)

# moref is another function I wrote, to work vaguely like the UNIX "more" command

nexus_fn = "", file=nexus_fn)

# To conclude the lab, I wanted to find, download, and display
# a "tree of life".
# To do this, I went to the TreeBase search page:
# ...and searched on studies with the title "tree of life"
# Annoyingly, the fairly famous tree from:
# Ciccarelli F.D. et al. (2006). "Toward automatic reconstruction of 
# a highly resolved tree of life." Science, 311:1283-1287.
# ...was not online, as far as I could tell.  And a lot of these are the "turtle trees of life", etc.
# Lame.  But this one was a tree covering the root of known
# cellular life.
# Caetano-anollés G. et al. (2002). "Evolved RNA secondary structure
# and the rooting of the universal tree of life." Journal of
# Molecular Evolution.
# Check S796 for this study, then click over to the "Trees" tab to get the
# tree...
# Or, download the tree from our website, here:

# load the tree and play with it:
newick_fn = "Caetano-anolles_2002_JME_ToL.newick"
tree_of_life = read.tree(newick_fn)
plot(tree_of_life, type="cladogram")
plot(tree_of_life, type="phylogram")
plot(tree_of_life, type="unrooted", lab4ut="axial")

# aw, no branch lengths in TreeBase! Topology only! Lame!

# Students ignore this:
# Make the version of this code for handout (no answers)
source3 = '_genericR_v1.R'
source(paste(sourcedir, source3, sep=""))
newfn = replace_each_matching_line("_Nicks_intro_to_R_v3.R", "#desc:", "#desc:")
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